For Women
【美男児贅沢セット】「蔵人美男児」小田桐赤也(絵 宮田トヲル)菊池(純米吟醸酒)720ml
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- 4,180Yen(tax included)
- / $27.42 USD
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: Out of Stock
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Publication Date | 2020/03/16 |
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※妊娠中や授乳期の飲酒は、 胎児・乳児の発育に悪影響を与える恐れがあります。
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■ Notes on [Bulk Order]
[Bulk Order] is a function to add all items to the cart at the time of ordering.
Therefore, please be aware of the following points before placing an order.
The carts for "Pre-order Items" and "On-Sale Items" will be separated.
In such cases, separate shipping will result in separate shipping and handling charges for each package.
The timing of shipment varies depending on the merge date and cycle.
If the merge date is different, separate shipping will result in separate shipping and handling charges for each package.
Please check the precautions for each item before making a purchase.
For those items, if a certain number of pre-orders have not been received within a certain period, they will be automatically cancelled.
Please check the precautions for "Reprint Pre-order" items via the following link before making a purchase.
Usage Guide: What is a reprint pre-order reservation?
菊池(純米吟醸酒)720ml+A4スエードタペストリー+八勺枡のセット商品です。アルコール分/15.0度以上15.9度以下、精米歩合/60% (C)Tsukurunomori
Product Introduction
菊池米と菊池の水で仕込んだ純米吟醸 低温発酵で丁寧に醸し出しています。
【美男児お楽しみセット】と【セット限定品】「蔵人美男児」八勺升 のご注文時のカートは分かれますが、商品はご一緒での発送となります。
※同一配送とする場合は、【美男児お楽しみセット】と【セット限定品】「蔵人美男児」八勺升 の「配送先情報」「配送方法情報」「お支払い方法」を合わせて頂く必要がございます。